UGC NET Syllabus For English Literature - 2023

UGC NET Syllabus For English Literature – 2023

A lot of people preparing for UGC NET in English are still not aware of the right syllabus of UGC NET English Literature that they need to go through. So, here I am to provide you with the real syllabus that is considered in the exam. 

There total of 10 different units from which questions will be asked in your UGC NET exam and each of the units is equally important. There are certain necessary topics under each unit that carry the most marks in the UGC NET exam. Let me explain in detail.

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UGC NET English Literature Unit 1 – Drama

1. History and development of English Drama. 

2. Three types of plays – Mystery plays, Miracle plays, and Morality plays. 

3. Elizabethan Theatre – History and Background. 

4. Playwrights during the Early Elizabethan era including Marlow, Thomas Nashe, Green, John Lyly, George Peele, Thomas Lodge, Thomas Kyd, and Shakespeare. 

5. Important playwrights of the Jacobean and Caroline period including Chapman, Johnson, Webster, Middleton, Heywood, Dekker, Massinger, Ford, Marstan, Shirley, Beaumont & Fletcher.

6. Playwrights from the Restoration to Modern period including Etherage, Farquhar, Vanbrug, Otway, Wycherley, William Congreve, Galsworthy, Shaw, John Gay, Sean O, J.M. Synge, Eliot, Casey. 

7. The Post Modern Drama and its development. 

8. Playwrights including Harold Pinter, Tom Stoppard, Noel Coward, Samual Beckett, and many others. 

UGC NET English Literature Unit 2 – Poetry

1. English Poetry – its origin and development. 

2. Old English Poetry to Medieval Poetry. 

3. Study of poets including Chaucer, William Langland, Gower, Wyatt & Surrey, and John Wycliff. 

4. Renaissance poetry, which includes the Elizabethan age, Jacobean age, and Puritan age. 

5. Sonnet Sequences in English Poetry

6. Study of different works of important poets including Philip Sidney, Michael Drayton, Thomas Sackville, and Edmund Spencer. 

7. Different schools of poetry, special focus on Cavalier poets and Metaphysical poets. 

8. Study of different works of important poets including John Donne, Crashaw, Herbert, Carew, Abraham Cowley, Lovelace, Milton, and Herrick.  

9. Neoclassical Poetry, which includes the Restoration period, the Augustan period, and the Transitional period. 

10. Study of important poets of these periods including Alexander Pope, Dryden, Thomas Gray, Burns, Margaret Cavendish, and Oliver Goldsmith. 

11. The Romantic Movement and study of important poets including William Wordsworth, Shelley, John Keats, William Black, Lord Byron, Coleridge, and Southey. 

12. The Victorian Poetry and study of important poets including Tennyson, Oscar Wilde, WB Yeats, Dante, Christina Rossetti, Gabriel Rossetti, EB Browning, John Clare, Hardy, Hopkins, Kipling, R.L. Stevenson, and Arnold. 

13. Pre-Raphaelites Brotherhood

14. The 20th-Century Poetry

15. Georgian poets and WW1 Poets(War Poetry)

16. Modernism in English poetry and the study of poets including Dylan, Eliot, Arthur, Dylan Thomas, Auden group, Stevenson, Dylan, Pound, William Carlos, Maria Rilke, Williams Rainer, and Rimbaud. 

Also check: The Characteristics and Features of Romantic Period in English Literature.

UGC NET English Literature Unit 3 – Fiction, Short Story

1. Fiction and its historical development as a genre, Short Stories

2. The proper beginning of novels in English

3. The 19th Century novels

4. Victorian novels

5. The concept of realism and naturalism in novels

6. Modern and postmodern novels

7. Other important non-British novels

UGC NET English Literature Unit 4 – Non-Fictional Prose

1. Non-Fictional prose and its development. 

2. Origin, nature, and elements of non-fictional prose

3. The concept of reality and imagination in non-fictional prose

4. The style of non-fictional prose

5. Entertainment, Journalism, and Philosophy

6. Religion and Politics in literature

UGC NET English Literature Unit 5 – Language: Basic Concepts, Theories, and Pedagogy

1. Approach, methods, and techniques used.

2. Design and procedure

3. The three principal views: structural, functional, and interactive view

4. Methods of teaching English: The direct method, the Grammar Translation method, the Audio Lingual Method, and the Structural Approach.

5. Physical response

6. Communicative language teaching

7. The silent way 

8. Task-Based Language Learning

9. The natural approach

10 the lexical approach

11. Suggestopedia

UGC NET English Literature Unit 6 – English In India: History, Evolution, and Future

1. The introduction of the English language in India

2. The 1813 act and the Education

3. General committee of public instruction 1823

4. Lord Macaulay’s Education Policy, 1835

5. Hunter Commission (1882-1883)

6. Saddler commission (1917-1919)

7. Indian English Literature

8. Prominent Indian English Writers

UGC NET English Literature Unit 7 – Cultural Studies

1. Cultural studies: History and Development 

2. Definitions, theories, and methodologies

3. Issues, concepts, approach, and structures 

4. Marxism, Feminism, Culture, and Race 

5. Globalization

6. Cultural Consumption

7. The concept of text

8. Prominent cultural theorists 

UGC NET English Literature Unit 8 – Literary Criticism

1. Introduction to Literary Criticism

2. Types of literary criticism

3. Function of literary criticism

4. Historical development of literary criticism

5. Medieval period

6. The Renaissance

7. Neoclassicism

8. Romanticism

9. The Nineteenth Century

UGC NET English Literature Unit 9 – Literary Theory Post WW2

1. Formalism, New Criticism, Neo Aristotelian Criticism

2. Psychoanalytic criticism, Jungian criticism

3. Marxist criticism

4. Reader-Response criticism 

5. Structuralism and Semiotics

6. Post Structuralism and Deconstruction

7. New Historicism and Cultural studies

8. Post-Colonial Criticism

9. Feminist Criticism

10. Gender and Queer studies

11. Critical Race Theory 

UGC NET English Literature Unit 10 – Research Methods and Material in English

1. Introduction to research

2. Types of research

3. Methods of research, Thesis, and Hypothesis

4. Research tools, sampling

5. Clarity, precision, and academic expression

6. Writing the research paper and submission

If you want UGC NET English Literature syllabus PDF, you can download it from right below. 

Moreover, do you want to know how to prepare for UGC NET English Literature in the best way? Well, you are going to get all the right strategies and study material on my website. You just need to be persistent with your studies and you will definitely crack it with JRF. 

Final Words 

To know how to prepare for UGC NET exam for English Literature, you can email us at or simply write a comment below, and I assure you that it is free of cost.  
Let me know in the comments if you also want UGC NEET English Literature Paper 1 syllabus as well. I will share the PDF with you.

Now that you have come this far, you can also check out our articles on some important topics from English Literature including Summary For The Kite Runner, The Visitor Poem Summary And Analysis – Nissim Ezekiel, and What Are The Major And Minor Points In Biographia Literaria By Coleridge?

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