Jane Austen

Jane Austen- Life And Works!

The effect that Jane Austen’s works had especially on women her age and after is immense. No matter how varied is your reading preference, one can never underestimate the aura that Jane’s characters hold in her stories. If you too feel the same way and wish to learn more about her then continue reading with us as we explore more about the Woman who made a difference. 

Jane Austen Early Life

English author Jane Austen (1775–1817) was renowned for her astute observations of social customs, amusing style, and perceptive examination of interpersonal relationships. Her books, mostly set in the early 19th century among the British nobility, are still adored and extensively read.

Jane Austen was born on December 16, 1775, in Steventon, Hampshire, England. A close-knit family, she was the seventh of eight kids. Her mother, Cassandra Leigh, was from a privileged family with many connections, and her father, George Austen, was a rector.

It was a luxury at the time for Jane and her sister Cassandra to get their primary education at home. They had access to their father’s huge library and were well-read. Jane had a flair for telling stories and a quick wit from an early age. She started writing at a young age, producing drawings, poetry, and short tales among her early creations.

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Jane Austen Writing Style

Witt, sarcasm, and astute observations of human behavior define Austen’s writing style. Her characters are noted for being expertly crafted and have unique personalities and weaknesses. Her books frequently use free indirect speech, a literary device that combines third-person narration with the emotions and ideas of the characters.

Her works mostly talk about and represent women of her age and how getting married was the one most prioritized option for the ladies and how they were supposed to be as per the norms of society. 

The primary themes in Austen’s books are love and marriage, and she frequently criticizes the social conventions that limit women’s options. Her writings also touch on issues of morality, the significance of self-knowledge, and human development.

Famous Works Of Jane Austen

“Sense and Sensibility,” Austen’s first significant book, was released in 1811 under the alias “A Lady.” The conflict between the intellectual and the emotional, as well as issues of love and class, are all explored in the book. She then wrote “Pride and Prejudice” (1813), which is frequently regarded as her best work. In addition to mocking early 19th-century England’s strict class system, this book also looks at the difficulties of love and marriage.

Other Significant Works

The novel “Mansfield Park” (1814) explores questions of morality, family, and societal expectations. The narrative centers on Fanny Price, a small child who was transferred to live with her affluent relatives, the Bertrams.

“Emma” (1815): The main character of this book is Emma Woodhouse, a young lady who believes she is a matchmaker and is well-intentioned but misguided. It tackles topics related to self-awareness and personal development.

Although it was written earlier, “Northanger Abbey” (1817) was released after the author’s passing. It examines the perils of teenage naivete while making fun of the Gothic book genre that was fashionable at the time.

“Persuasion” (1817) is a posthumously released tale that follows Anne Elliot, a lady who is convinced to renege on her engagement to the man she loves only to run into him again years later.

Even while Jane Austen had some success when she was alive, it wasn’t until after her passing that her writings became well-known. With multiple film, television, and theatrical adaptations, her books have subsequently become mainstays of English literature. Austen’s acute social criticism, enduring themes, and lovable characters have captivated readers all around the world for centuries.

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Austen spent the majority of her life living with her family and never got married. Her health started to decline in 1816, and she was given a diagnosis for what is now thought to have been Addison’s illness. But even as her health deteriorated, she kept writing. At the age of 41, Jane Austen passed unexpectedly on July 18, 1817, leaving behind a great literary legacy that lives on today.

What I Mean….

If you haven’t yet read the major works of Jane Austen then this is your cue to get into it. You can get to know a lot about the class conditions and how was the life of the residents of England at that time. You may even want to go through their amazing movie adaptations and tell us which one you loved the most.

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