Insightful Learning In Psychology - Characteristics And Advantages Of Insightful Learning

Insightful Learning In Psychology – Characteristics And Advantages Of Insightful Learning

This article will cover a very important topic – “Insightful learning in Psychology” which is quite necessary to be aware of from the perspective of a psychology student. 

Wolfgang Kohler was the first psychologist to give the idea of insightful learning through the experiments that he performed on apes. He studied the behavior of apes and designed some experiments that were simple, but needed brains. 

The use of these experiments by Kohler resulted in the development of the insightful learning theory, that is the Kohler Insight Learning Theory. You can say that this is one of the first-ever cognitive theories of learning. 

Insightful Learning In Psychology

Insight is the sudden recognition of relationships that leads to the solution of a complex problem. In insightful learning, associative learning is involved other than try and error. 

This was an experiment based on learning performed by Wolfgang Kohler on the Island named Isle of Tenerife in 1925. His experiment was performed on a chimpanzee named Sultan. Kohler performed two kinds of experiments:

1. Box Problem

2. Stick Problem

These experiments checked the cognitive ability of the subject in a coordinated fashion to solve the problem. Insight means to be aware. 

There are 4 stages of insight learning:

1. Need – preparation

2. Incubation – thinking over the problem

3. Inspiration – bright idea for the task

4. Verification – a task accomplished

Kohler hung the bananas at a height on a tree and then he scattered some wooden boxes in the surrounding. Now what he observed from the problem-solving assessment was that” 

The monkey first examined/scrutinized the environment, studied the elements of the environment, and understood it, that is, after observing he placed the box on another box to stack them and reached the height of the bananas, and finally ate them. This is also an Insight Learning in Psychology example. 

Insightful learning is different from the trial and error method, which is like a lock and keys situation. This means that if we have a lock and a bunch of keys with us, then instead of trying every key, that is, instead of every trial and error method, we will simply check the lock number and the key number. In the same manner, the chimpanzee used his brain and wisely used the boxes to stack them up and reach the bananas. 

Kohler also observed that insightful learning also gives an individual the Aaha! or say the Bingo! expressions. 

In the other experiment, Sultan, the chimpanzee was locked up in the cage and broken pieces of sticks were present inside the cage so that one stick could fit into the other. There were bananas outside the cage, out of the reach through the chimpanzee’s hands.

After a little effort, the chimpanzee was able to connect all the sticks to make a single stick long enough to get the bananas, and thus, he was able to eat them. This can also be taken as an Insight Learning example. 

Here, knowledge and creativity were used, as explained in Gestalt Psychology. 

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What Are The Characteristics Of Insightful Learning?

Here are the major characteristics involved in insightful learning:

1. There is a change in the perception of the individual.

2. Insightful learning is spontaneous/sudden. 

3. There is an important role of understanding in insight learning.

4. The individual is able to perceive a certain pattern or organization that leads to insightful learning.

5. Insightful learning cannot be found in inferior animals, you observe it only among the higher order animals. 

6. Age has a great influence on insightful learning. It is much easier and better for adults to have insightful learning in comparison to children. 

7. There is a great role of past experiences as well as perceptual organization to perceive in the direction of insightful learning. 

8. Insight learning or insightful learning can also be related to associative learning as per some psychologists. 

What Are The Advantages Of Insight Learning?

Well, with insight learning, an individual is able to solve the problem on their own, by putting in their own efforts. Once a person is able to achieve something or complete a task with the help of their insightful learning, they experience the Ahaa! moment which is a great feeling that makes them believe that they have done something great. 

Also, once you get something in your mind through insightful learning, it most probably stays with you throughout life, and you will be able to use that approach at certain instances in your life. 

Training for insightful learning is especially important for children so that they can be capable of solving the problems that they face throughout their lives. This is why is Insight learning important in Psychology. 

What Are The 4 Types Of Learning Methods?

The four types of learning methods include:

1. Visual 

2. Auditory 

3. Read/Write

4. Kinaesthetic

Most people have a general idea about themselves in regards to which type of learning suits them the best to learn something quickly and easily. 

What Are The Types Of Insight In Learning?

There are no types but stages of Insight in learning, these stages are preparation, incubation, insight, and verification. 

Let us know if you also want Kohler Insight Learning Theory ppt or Insight Learning pdf

Final Words

So, that’s what is Insightful method of learning. We hope that you found our content useful. Share your experience and suggestions with us in the comments and also tell us any other important topic of psychology or even literature that you would like to read about. Till then, check out our other articles: Attention And Perception In Psychology, Little Albert Experiment In Psychology Explained In Detail

1 thought on “Insightful Learning In Psychology – Characteristics And Advantages Of Insightful Learning”

  1. Can you add certain topics about research in your article regarding psychology as i face serious issues in statistics and research .

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